
The Friends need your support. As a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, we welcome your tax-deductible monetary or in-kind donation. The Friends is 100%  run and organized by volunteers.

You can help. To volunteer and become a member, please fill out the membership form online using the button below.

Payment Due

  • 1st quarter (Jan-March) of the year for Voting Members
  • 4th Quarter (Oct-Dec) payments received – applied to the following year


  • Warehouse access (all new members/clubs/organizations must attend a safety orientation and sign a Liability Waiver)
  • Attend meetings/functions
  • Nominee for board of directors at annual meeting (voting members only)
  • Mailing list for notices and newsletter


Sole discretion of Membership Committee to make recommendations to the Board regarding membership.

2. Organizations/Clubs

  • Repair/restoration completed in the FHH facility – $100 annual membership donation plus $100 a month for period of storage.
  • FHH Projects – exempted from membership fee. Friends’ repair canoe in the FHH facility at an agreeable amount to compensate for time, storage, and/or cost of repair.